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Company Law

Codex Advokater are the lawyers of the business community and we have extensive experience in handling the issues, which the modern business life faces. On an ongoing basis we advise both entrepreneurs, small, medium-sized and large companies on the opportunities and obligations following from the company law.

We are ready to give advice on all issues in relation to company law from choice of corporate form and establishment through mergers and demergers to contemplations of a potential succession, sale of the company or closing of the company through liquidation.

Registration of a new company with the Danish Business Authority can be made on-line so that you often receive your new CVR number and can start the running of the company on the same day.

If the company is owned and run by a limited number of shareholders we recommend that the shareholders enter into an owner’s agreement (previously called shareholders’ agreement) as a supplement to the articles of association of the company. Codex Advokater has a lot of practical experience in giving advice concerning owner’s agreements including issues in respect of resignation, termination of co-operation etc. as well as the impact of the provisions of section 82 of the company law.

Our team in relation to company law is ready to give advice concerning all the decisions, which are to be made in a company on an ongoing basis, at the level of general meeting, board level or at the level of the executive board, including e.g. valuation of the capital resources of the company, distribution of dividend or making a decision to complete a merger or demerger.

We offer assistance and advice in connection with the holding of the general meetings of the company, both in respect of planning of the general meeting as well as the practical conduct of the general meeting at which we can act as chairman. We also offer to register the required changes with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency after the general meeting.

In addition to public limited companies and private limited companies, which are the most common corporate forms we offer advice concerning entrepreneurial companies (IVS), partnerships (I/S), limited partnerships (K/S), limited partnership companies (P/S), co-operative societies and other company structures.

Codex Advokater co-operates with a number of accountants, banks, mortgage providers and other adviser whenever required and of benefit to the company.