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Criminal Law

Our lawyers have extensive experience in classic criminal law and violation of the special legislation, and we hold agelong experience in conduct of several legal proceedings in both district court and high court. Our lawyers are court-assigned counsel for the defendant and can assist you once you are being charged or can be assigned to you to ensure your defence.

If you fall victim to a criminal offence and you need help, our lawyers can be assigned as your legal representative during the criminal proceedings – without any expense to you – with a view to claiming damages and assist you as support during the legal proceedings.

In criminal cases we offer:

  • To go through and discuss the case file with you
  • To assist you during interrogation with the police
  • To estimate the need for any further production of evidence
  • To defend you in court
  • To estimate and possibly launch an appeal.
  • To prepare any claim for damages, guide you through the case in court as your legal representative and – if you are summoned to give evidence in court – appear in court with you as support.

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